Tuesday 21 June 2011

An Introduction

As I write this post, I am sitting in the living room of my flat watching the sun set over Hammersmith bridge, still wondering whether it was actually a good idea to start this blog. 
It was a typical Tuesday afternoon, when Cassar rode in from work. Like many Londoners, he is a cyclists. And Like most of the cyclists I know, the first thing he does when he gets off the road is complain about all the people who were on it.
And it was on this Tuesday afternoon (literally, just now) that he decided that he wanted to turn his impotent rage into something productive.
If I were a Jazz musician, I would have told him to take that fire in his belly and turn it into music. If I were vaguely athletic, I would probably have told him to put that energy into training. I am none of those things. I am far too lazy. I am a "blogger".
This blog is the result. It should hopefully allow for his rage to be released in small harmless doses, for the enjoyment of the internet reading public.



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